Business Room Policies and Procedures


1.  Respect

        yourself and others

2.  Be On Task

do what you are asked to do

3.  No Food or Drinks Allowed!

There are specific procedures to follow

in this class, if you do not follow them,

then you choose the consequences.


Bell Work - Students will do bell work everyday as soon as they walk in the room while I take attendance.  There will be no way to make up bell work unless you have a written doctors excuse.  It will be collected within the first 3 minutes of class.

Cue For the Class to be Quiet - When I raise my hand, the students are to be quiet.  If the students do not quiet down immediately, I will begin recording the number of seconds the class will spend with me after the bell rings.  i.e.  if they talk for 15 seconds, the whole class will spend 15 seconds with me after the bell rings before they will be dismissed.

Raising Hands - All students are expected to raise their hand before speaking in class.  The student will not be acknowledged without raising their hand.

Handing In Individual Work -

Handing In Cooperative Learning Work - The person with the number I call will hand in their paper with everyone in their groups name on their paper.

Everything should be filled out the same as the individual assignments only the group needs to place the names of all the group members present that day in the corner.  The group should then put the name of the absent group member in parentheses with the word absent in all capital letters (i.e. John Smith, ABSENT).

Handing In Homework - Students will not hand in homework until after class has begun and I have specified to the class whether it will be graded in class or it will be handed to me to grade later.

Handing In Late Assignments - For every day that an assignment is late, the student will loose 50% of the points possible (i.e. If a paper is worth 20 points and is one day late, you will loose 10 points the first day then 5 points and so on).  Unless other arrangements have been made.

Return of Homework/Assignments/Test - I will hand all assignments back as soon as they are graded.

Cooperative Learning Strategies - each structure has their own procedure and will be described as they are attempted.  Every member of the group will be held accountable for a group grade and expected to participate.  If the student does not want to cooperate, the student will do the project as an individual.

Business Room Computer Policy – Students are expected to take excellent care of the computers, chairs, and books.  You are to be on your best behavior at all times.

Bathroom and Drink Breaks - No student is allowed to leave the classroom except at the discretion of the teacher.  In the event that a student deems it absolutely necessary to leave the room, they will be marked tardy on the attendance sheet.

Dismissal - The teacher dismisses the students, not the bell.  Students will not be dismissed until all papers are handed in and everyone is in their seat.

Absences -

Substitute Teachers - Students are expected to act the same for a substitute

as they do for me.  If a poor report is given on the class, additional consequences will occur the following day.

Emergency Situations - The students will remain in their seats and wait for me to give further instructions.


100-95 A

94- 90  A-

89- 87  B+

86- 83  B

82- 80  B-

79- 77  C+

76- 73  C

72- 70  C-

69- 67  D+

66- 63  D

62- 60  D-

59-   0  F


Refer to student handbook. **


** Taken from the Tina-Avalon R-2 Employees and Student Handbooks.


First Offense - Warning

Second Offense – Hand write “The Importance of Being Quiet” and conference after class with me.

The Importance of Being Quiet

          I understand that time is one of the most valuable things we have.  There is so little time to do all the things we need to do in class, so it is vitally important to make every minute count.  When I talk or goof off or disrupt the class I am wasting valuable time.  That is not fair to my teacher, my classmates or to myself.  I understand that it is okay to talk:

1.       If I raise my hand and the teacher calls on me.

2.       If talking is necessary to complete my assignment.

3.       If it is free time and I have completed all my assignments.

But I know that I must not talk:

1.       When the teacher is talking.

2.       When a student is asking or answering a question.

3.       When the teacher has instructed the class to be quiet.

          I understand that one of the major expectations in this classroom is to respect others, I will work harder to abide by that policy in the future.

Third Offense – Referral to the office.  Also, if hand written assignment is not completed by the next class period at the beginning of the hour, the student will receive a discipline referral to the office.

Fourth Offense – Serve a ninth hour

Fifth Offense - Parent conference with an administrator, myself, the parent, and the student present.

The students know the procedures, if they do not follow them, they choose the consequences.