
Alphabet Book Project


In this project you will create an alphabet book. Your book will be a little different where as it is not for elementary students, it is meant for junior high and high school students. It is to be question based. Instead of A is for Apple. You are to select a word and ask specific questions about that word and answer your own questions. This will be a fun assignment that will let you show your creativitiy.


You will design a cover page and black and white or color pages that make up the 26 letters of the alphabet.  The back page is to have created by and your name on it.


You may choose any desired font, size, word art, and alignment.  However, each page must have one complete paragraph about the topic.  The paragraph must have a minimum of five complete sentences.  You can use the words listed below, or you can use your own word and ideas. Be very creative with this activity.  It is meant to be fun giving you the opportunity to use your imagination.  You are to add clip art to your pages.  This clip art is available through your Task Pane, the internet, a special symbol from the Wingdings font, or could be a picture that you would like to scan and include.  You can also take pictures forming the letter or of things that make the letter.  Once again, use your imagination!


The margins for the project text boxes are as follows:  Top, bottom, left and right are .5”.  You will set up your page in landscape orientation with a book fold.  (Go to File, Page Set up, Paper Size tab and choose 8.5 x 11 Landscape, select advanced and booklet).


You will keep the same page set up each time.  You will save this in your Computer Apps folder as alphabet_book_lastname.


Here are the questions that you will answer and compose sentences to help you create your alphabet book:



If you could be someone’s assistant, whom would you choose and what would your duties be?



What bothers me and why?



What do you collect or what would you like to collect?



What are the three don’ts you hear most often?  Are they from your parents?  Brothers or sisters?  Teachers?  Who?  Why do they bother you?



What is your very favorite thing to eat and why?



Describe the members of your immediate family and tell how you feel about each one.



What are some gifts you would like to receive in the next few years?  Who should give them to you?




Who is the bravest person you can think of and why?  (It may be someone famous, but it need not be.)



If you were only an inch tall, what are some of the things you would do that you cannot do now.  Use your imagination!



Name something (or someone) that makes you feel jealous.  Explain why in detail.



If you could lie down on the grass while flying a kite, just looking at the beautiful sky and trees around you, what are some of the things you would think about?



Describe someone you love very much.  Tell all about that person and tell why he/she is so dear to you.



If you were a magician and could change yourself into someone or something else, who or what would you change yourself into and why?



What kinds of noises bother you you?  What kinds of noises or sounds do you enjoy?



If you could keep only one of your current possessions, what would it be and why?



What are some of the things you have done in your life that make you proud of yourself?



What are some questions you would like to answer for yourself in this world?



Describe five rules you would like to write for your parents to follow.



What is the greatest surprise you have ever had?  What surprise thing would you like to do for someone else?



If you could change your name, what would you change it to and why?



What things make you say “UGH!” when you see them or have to do them?



If you could invent a new vitamin for people to take, what would it do for human health?



What are some wishes you would like to have come true?



You have just been given X-ray eyes!  What are some things you can see now that you were not able to see before?



Tell about a time you really yelled at someone.  What did you scream at him/her?  Why were you so angry?  What did he/she do that was so awful?



LUCKY YOU!!  Someone just gave you a zligmur as a gift.  What in the world is it?  Describe it in detail and draw a picture of it.


At the back of this handout is a grading rubric that I will use to grade your project.  DO NOT LOSE THIS!!  Use it to help you in creating your project.  It must be turned in with your book!!  If not, you automatically lose 25 points.



Here are some helpful suggestions:


To create an alphabet letter and word in Word Art


Go to          Insert


          Word Art (choose the style you want and type letter/word)






To insert clip art from Task Pane


Click on      Task Pane

                   Select the down arrow and choose Clipart

                   Choose graphic

                   Drag to Clipboard on right


                   Resize if necessary (Remember to only resize from corners!)




Alphabet Book Project







Handed in on time


Turned in on the day it was due. (30)

One class period late (20)

More than one day late. (0(

All letters are represented


All letters were represented in the book.  (40)

One –two letters missing in the book.  (20)

More than two letters missing in the book. (0-10)

Spelling Errors


No spelling errors. (20)

One-two spelling errors (10)

More than two spelling errors (0-5)

Grammar Errors


No grammar errors. (20)

One-two grammar errors (10)

More than two grammar errors (0-5)



Pages neatly folded and placed in order with two staples (20)

Pages neatly folded but not placed in the correct order or vice versa. (10)

Pages not folded correctly nor placed in the correct order. (0)

Margins are correct


Top, bottom, left and right are set to 1” with a 1” margin between columns.  (10)

One margin set incorrectly.  (8)

More than one margin set incorrectly.  (5)

Paper Size


Paper size set to “Landscape” (10)


Paper size not set correctly. (0)



All paragraphs for each letter have the minimum number of sentences.  (50)

One or two paragraphs do not have the minimum number of sentences.  (25)

More than two paragraphs have less than the minimum sentences.  (0-20)



Each page has some sort of clipart or word art used. (25)

80% of the booklet has clipart/word art used. (10)

Less than 80% of the booklet has clipart/word art used. (5)

Time Management


The entire class time was used each day to work on the project. (25)

80% of the time was used to work on the project in class, with only 1 tardy.  (15)

Less than 80% of the time used to work on the project in class with more than 1 tardy. (0-5)

Total Points Earned/Possible
