Microsoft Office 2007 Assignments: PowerPoint

  1. Always put a header and a footer on all of your assignments. You are to put your name, date, assignment and page number.
  2. You will almost always print as handouts with 6 slides per sheet.
  3. Save your document first thing so you do not lose all of your hard work. Create a PowerPoint folder and then two folders inside it called: PP_Ch1 and PP_Ch2.
  4. Always save in your Chapter Folder
  5. Run the spell check.
  6. Do not print unless I specifically tell you to. I will view your document on your screen.



Assignment Due Date

PP 1

Ch1 - Creating and Editing a Presentation

Refer to directions at top of this page.
PP 66 Learn It Online
  Practice Test: You are to take a practice test. You can only miss two questions. Keep taking the test until you miss two or less. Print the practice test and score it with a red pen. Make sure you typed your name in before clicking to check the test. You are to look up the answers in your book


  Flash Cards:
  Who Wants to be a Computer Genius 2:
  Wheel of Terms:

PP 66

Apply Your Knowledge - Data File - Save as PP_Ch1_Apply_Your_Knowledge


PP 67

Extend Your Knowledge - Data File - Save as PP_Ch1_Extend_Your_Knowledge


PP 68

Make It Right - Data File - Save as PP_Ch1_Make_it_Right


In the Lab 1 - Save as PP_Ch1_In_the_Lab_1

Assignment for


Complete all steps.
In step 7, in the properties put your name as the author and PP Ch1 Lab 1-1 Credit as the Title.
Print Preview and put your name, date, page number and assignment in the document header/footer.
You will print as a handout with 6 slides per sheet.


In the Lab 2 - Save as PP_Ch1_In_the_Lab_2

Assignment for

Complete all steps.
In the properties put your name as the author and PP Ch1 Lab 1-2 Hybrid Car as the Title.
Print Preview and put your name, date, page number and assignment in the document header/footer.
You will print as a handout with 6 slides per sheet.

PP 74

In the Lab 3 - Save as PP_Ch1_In_the_Lab_3 save Instructions Part 2 as PP_Ch1_In_the_Lab_3_Part 2.

Assignment for


Complete all steps.
In the properties put your name as the author and PP Ch1 Lab 1-3 South Haven Park District as the Title.
Print Preview and put your name, date, page number and assignment in the document header/footer.
You will print as a handout with 6 slides per sheet.

You will have two seperate printouts. One for Instructions Part 1 and one for Instructions Part 2.

PP 78

Cases and Places 1- Save as PP_Ch1_Cases_Places_1

Assignment for

Be creative and apply the skills you have learned to this point.

PP 81

Ch2 - Creating a Presentation with Illustrations and Shapes

Refer to directions at top of this page.

  Ch2 Date File ATM save image in your PP Ch2 folder  
PP132 Learn It Online
  Practice Test: You are to take a practice test. You can only miss two questions. Keep taking the test until you miss two or less. Print the practice test and score it with a red pen. Make sure you typed your name in before clicking to check the test. You are to look up the answers in your book.  
  Flash Cards:
  Who Wants to be a Computer Genius 2:
  Wheel of Terms:

PP 132

Apply Your Knowledge - Data File - Save as PP_Ch2_Apply_Your_Knowledge


PP 134

Extend Your Knowledge - Data File - Save as PP_Ch2_WDtend_Your_Knowledge


PP 135

Make It Right - Data File - Save as PP_Ch2_Make_it_Right

PP 136

In the Lab 1 - Save as PP_Ch2_In_the_Lab_1

Computer Literacy Assignment for


Data File - Ear Diagram
Complete all steps up to and including step 6, just change the header information.
*Print in handout view with one slide per sheet. There is only one slide in this assignment. Put your name, date and assignment in the handout header and footer.
*Print is a second time in Outline view with your name, date and assignment in the handout header and footer.

PP 137

In the Lab 2 - Save as PP_Ch2_In_the_Lab_2

Computer Literacy Assignment for


Complete all steps up to and including Instructions Part 1 & 2, just change the header information.
*Print in handout view with six slides per sheet. Put your name, date and assignment in the handout header and footer.
*Print is a second time in Outline view with your name, date and assignment in the handout header and footer.

PP 140

In the Lab 3 - Save as PP_Ch2_In_the_Lab_3

Computer Literacy Assignment for

Complete all steps.
*Print in handout view with six slides per sheet.
Put your name, date and assignment in the handout header and footer.
*Print is a second time in Outline view with your name, date and assignment in the handout header and footer.

PP 142

Cases and Places 1- Save as PP_Ch2_Cases_Places_1

Computer Literacy Assignment for

Be creative and apply the skills you have learned to this point.
*Print in handout view with six slides per sheet. Put your name, date and assignment in the handout header and footer.


Web Feature - Creating Web Pages Using PowerPoint

Refer to directions at top of this page.


In the Lab 1 - Save as PP_Web_Feature_In_the_Lab_1

Complete all steps. Do not print.