DESKTOP PUBLISHING: Menu Project Scoring Guide



Name of Restaurant:












ê Areas ê

Oh, Great Job!

10 points

Pretty Good Stuff

8-9 points

Better Be More Careful!

0-7 points


Menu is divided into sections and sections are labeled and stand out

Menu is divided into sections, but may be difficult to locate

Menu is not divided into appropriate sections


Advanced features are used: Drop shadow, reverse text, page border, dot leaders, appropriate fonts, font formatting, use of 2-colors and black, etc.

Only a few advanced features are used; more would have contributed to the overall design/theme

Very few advanced features are used


All menu items are listed, and creative names and descriptions are used

Minor content issues, such as a description or two that are not "good enough," but most is okay

Some menu items have been left out, no descriptions are used, or descriptions are not adequate. Other items are added or prices are wrong


A page border is used, good clear graphics are used, and graphics complement menu in a balanced way

Good graphics are used but may not be placed well or may be overused or underused

Graphics are of low quality, do not match each other, or do not contribute to theme. No page border is used



No problems. Looks great!

Some minor errors in spelling or word use

Major errors or several minor errors which detract from the finished product



Menu looks unique, name of restaurant is original, theme is worked into all aspects of the menu, and menu looks appealing; slogan located on menu

Minor errors with regard to theme, but overall pretty good stuff

Menu looks gaudy, copied, or very plain and shows little creativity or planning


Menu looks "real"

Menu looks okay, but some areas need a little improvement

Menu does not look professional or looks more like a flyer or newsletter than a dining menu

70 Points Possible










]    Before turning in your final copy, have two peers check your menu and provide feedback on the drafts.  Then, turn in a black and white copy to me for general feedback on layout and theme.  

]    The PDF scoring guide must be turned in with your final color copy. Points will be deducted for projects without a grade sheet!


FINAL GRADE:____/70____