Web Page Design

Text Wrangler Assignment 9

You are to create a ninth web page in Text Wrangler. Save in your TextWrangler folder as Yourfirstname_assignment9.html. To complete this assignment, you might need to refer to TextWrangler assignment key terms and the basic HTML coding link. The "Title" for your web page is Your Name TW Assignment 9. You are not to copy any of the coding except the first two line which are below. If you are caught cheating (copying off of someone else's computer or copying more of the code) or off task you will receive a big fat 0 for this assignment. This assignment is worth 20 points. You are to print the source and the web page after it is viewed.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"

Your webpage should include:

  1. Basic html structure with Your name TW Assignment 9 in the title bar,
  2. a centered level 1 heading that says What a Wonderful School
  3. two paragraphs that include facts about the Tina-Avalon School (that is at least 3 sentences). Your paragraphs should include separate bold and italicized words. You can include facts such as your first day of school, but you should also include facts from the school website history link.
  4. three horizontal rules a width of 55% and a size of 6. The first one should be before your heading 1 that says What a Wonderful School.
  5. an unordered list that you created - atleast 3
  6. an ordered list that you created - atleast 3
  7. a definition list using terms from the facts about the Tina-Avalon School you mentioned - atleast 3
  8. a level 2 heading that is your name, center aligned.
  9. Remember to use non-container tags such as your horizontal rule <hr />.
  10. You are to print your code in TextWrangler and print your webpage.