
Mrs. Rucker - Welcom to my class!

Welcome students, parents and patrons. My name is Susan Rucker and I am the Business Teacher at the Tina-Avalon R-II School District. The departments curriculum consist of a variety of courses including Accounting, Business Technology, Computer Applications, Computer Literacy, Desktop Publishing, Digital Communications, Introduction to Business, Multimedia, Web Page Design and Keyboarding. I am currently the Yearbook Sponsor and FBLA Adviser. These extra duties have given me the opportunity to develop strong relationships with the students in order to enhance the overall department.

Select one of the links above to find out about course work, assignments and FBLA.

FBLA Testing Site - Blue Panda Testing Site

Tutoring - Phonics and Stuff
Reading Eggs Site

STEAM - Edison Ev3 models - CODING LINK - TUTORIAL

If you have questions or concerns about the progress of your child,
feel free to contact me on my planning period at school,
(660) 622-4211, from 1:15pm to 3:00pm.
or e-mail me any time srucker@tinaavalon.k12.mo.us.