Web-Page Design

This course is a hands-on learning experience designed to give students the opportunity to construct web pages and electronic presentations. Students are encouraged to use their creativity to complete projects on a variety of projects. Instruction includes creating web pages first using Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), then creating informational web sites incorporating text, graphics, tables, etc. Software includes using TextWrangler to learn html coding, then creating web sites in Adobe Dreamweaver.


  1. Semester 1 - Textwrangler Skills Final Web Assignment for
  2. Website Evaluation Web PDF Assignment for
  3. Beginning Web Design Assignment for
  4. HTML Coding Validation Link Always check your page coding!
  5. Sunny Days, example on page 10 - Drag and Drop Link Assignment for
  6. HTML Practice - Link Assignment for
  7. Pat's Pizza Place Assignment for
  8. Dreamweaver Electronic Career Portfolio Assignment - Link
    Example Of Electronic Career Portfolio - Mrs. Rucker - Lacey Rucker
  9. Favorite Person Web Site Assignment for
  10. Webpage Design Review - Link Assignment for