CSS Class Practice—Coding Review

  1. CSS Review - Finished Page Should Look Like This
  2. In the css_review folder, create a css file named stacks.css.
  3. In that css files, set three divs: container, top, and main
    • Container should hold everything and have a light blue background; make sure it is centered on the margins. It should be 600px wide.
    • Top should be defined for navy blue text color and that’s it.
    • Main should be defined for the bottom, left, and right margins of 15px and have a white background.
  4. Create three classes: lite, emph, and whoa
    • Lite should be defined for Courier New font family, italicized font, and yellow text color
    • Emph should be defined for bold, italics, and underline
    • Whoa should be set with a letter spacing of 10px
  5. Now, create an html file called page3.html. Link the stacks.css to the page3.html file.
  6. Copy and paste what’s on the next page and put it in the code section of the page3.html file (see, how nice is that? you don’t have to type it!).
  7. Set up the divs on that page so that the container holds everything, the heading is in the top section, and the rest is in the main section.
  8. Apply the lite class to your LAST name in the heading (Be sure to change it to your name; hint--span).
  9. Apply the emph class to the word bummer and sad in the second paragraph.
  10. Apply the whoa class to the two h3s in the main section.
  11. Change the title to your name and add today’s date.
  12. Add padding to the bottom of the main div set to 20px (this might not look right in Firefox but should be okay for Safari).
  13. Print CSS and HTML codes and attach to this sheet!

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">


<title>Untitled Document</title>



<h1 align="center">Your Name</h1>


<p>Dogs are things. They bark. They have bad breath. Dogs are things. They bark. They have bad breath. Dogs are things. They bark. They have bad breath. Dogs are things. They bark. They have bad breath. Dogs are things. They bark. They have bad breath. Dogs are things. They bark. They have bad breath. Dogs are things. They bark. They have bad breath. Dogs are things. They bark. They have bad breath. Dogs are things. They bark. They have bad breath.

<p>Cats are things. They meow. They are soft. Some people are allergic to them. It's a bummer. For real. If you don't have them declawed, they might hurt you and that's sad. Hurting is not right. Not at all. Know what I mean?</p>

<p>Birds fly. That's about it. Oh, and they poop. On cars. </p>

<h3>The End</h3>

<p>I have no more to say. This is it. Peace out!</p>

