iMovie GreenScreen Project

My Week In 3 Words - 180 points possible

Learning Objectives:

Your video should include:

  1. (10 points) Intro slide that says "Our Week In Three Words"
  2. (10 points each x 14) A different green screen effect for each classmate
  3. (5 points) You should be the first person on your video
  4. (10 points) Transitions between classmates
  5. (10 points) Closing slide Thanks For Watching - Your Name
  6. (10 points) A "School Cool" song playing in background
  7. (5 points) Share to:
    • File
    • Name it Our_Week_In 3_Words_YourName and give it a description
    • Next
    • Share to your Documents/iMovie Folder
    • Attach to Google Classroom Assignment to get credit


You will be editing video footage of everyone in the classroom stating how great their week was in three simple words.