Meme Assignment

Do you know what a meme is?  You probably do even if you don't know you do!  It's just something (usually funny) that gets passed around on the internet.

Here's an interesting article defending memes as an artform, if you are interested!

Last year, the What You Think I Do meme was really popular.   

Here's an example (click to view larger) of a What You Think I Do meme.  (In this case, it's about the profession of teaching.)   (Please note that not every example you could find on the internet would be classroom-appropriate.)

Now it's your turn to take the character and create a meme (in this case, one image) that you think will be fun and school appropriate.

To create your meme, go to this website and add your images and captions.  Upon completing it, make sure you download it (so that you can send it to me in an e-mail, as an image file).  Note:  I'm not sure if you can save this as a work in progress, so you may want to make sure you have selected all of your images before you begin creating your meme. If you feel more comfortable making your Meme in Photoshop, go for it. Make a new document that is a no bigger than a 9'x9".


You will be graded on: 

1. Creativity 20 pts.
2. Accuracy 20 pts.
3. Completion and attention to detail 20 pts.
4. Explanation paper/email
(given in class)
20 pts.

Note:  If you don’t like to use the Internet, no big deal.  Enough information will be presented in class for you to complete the assignment successfully either way.  As always, good class attendance and productive use of provided class time will best help you complete the assignment and/or to earn your best grade.

Additional disclaimer:

Mrs. Rucker. does not endorse/condone students using meme generators (or anything on the Internet) inappropriately on school time or on school computers.