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Aspiring Animation Professional Scholarship

"Aspiring Animation Professional" Scholarship Program. This is the 3rd annual scholarship for AnimationCareerReview.com. We are offering high school seniors the opportunity to win a $1,000 scholarship.  This will be awarded to students that are interested in pursuing an animation career path at an accredited post-secondary school or college. We ask that you have interested students visit our website, http://www.animationcareerreview.com/animationcareerreviewcom-aspiring-animation-professional-scholarship-program to find eligibility information along with the online application. The scholarship will be on the right side of the page.

If possible, please include a reference to our scholarship program on your scholarship page.

Please feel free to Tweet or Facebook info about this scholarship at your discretion. If you do so, let me know as I will gladly share the info   with our Social Media Manager so she can follow/like/retweet your info   as well.

If you have any questions, please contact me personally.

Shawn Harrell
PR Manager
Pharmacy Technician Review, Fashion School, Animation Career Review, a subsidiary of BGP Site Solutions

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